Ecocetera upgrades new solar PV systems

The new Hanham Hall development near Bristol has been built with energy efficiency in mind. Rainwater harvesting, low energy lighting and even allotments come as standard. All homes have been built with a small solar PV system – and Ecocetera has been helping the new occupants increase the size of these systems to truly maximise the potential of the roof space.

It is now usual for solar panels to be installed on new build properties in order to meet carbon reduction targets – however, most developers will install the bare minimum required (typically four panels per property). Systems of this size while better than no panels at all, are merely ticking a box, leaving any environmentally conscious occupiers to extend the systems to a worthwhile size.

Whether you are a house builder or a new home owner with a small system, either way Ecocetera can help. We install solar panels on new build houses for developers small and large – and we can return to installed systems to extend them!